Monday, December 17, 2012

DENTIS was awarded 10 Million Export Tower !!!!!

DENTIS was awarded 10 million export tower 
                  on the 49th Daegu-Gyongbook Trade Day!

We really appreciate your interest and support. 

In return for your interest and support, we'll continue to do our best!!!

Thank you. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

DENTIS User Seminar (2012.11.26~2012.11.29)

DENTIS User Seminar (SINOL Team)

   [DENTIS Tour]

   [Lecture&Welcome Party_in NOVOTEL]

    [Seoul Tour]

The Dental Association of Thailand (2012.11.21~2012.11.23)

The Dental Association of Thailand_in Bangkok

Dentech China (2012.10.24~2012.10.27)

Dentech China_in Shanghai

DENTIS User Seminar (2012.10.23~2012.10.28)

DENTIS User Seminar(Asre Novin & Doustkam)